
The 0.7.3 Update

PF2 Team - Jul 7, 2024

Important announcement for Mac OS users: For our next major update, Pre Fortress 2 will no longer be natively supporting Mac OS. Thank you to all of the Mac OS warriors who will continue to support us until then!

Also, our main mirror will be moved to archive.prefortress.com. The GitHub link will still be available as an alternative mirror. We’re also discontinuing our Windows installer.


  • Updated the minimized UI to work with 0.7’s HUD
  • Added the Speed Boost condition to the game
  • Added the point entity game_convar_mod, from Mapbase, which allows you to set ConVars for a specific map
  • Added overheal particles
  • Added rocket trailing sounds for both the Rocket Launcher’s rocket and the Flamethrower’s flame rocket
  • Updated the scoreboard to use Live TF2’s implementation, which shows the server’s current time limit and the map name
  • Ported the invis proxy from Live TF2
  • Updated materials to use the invis proxy
  • Commands that significantly change gameplay are now automatically added to server tags
  • Classes now have a chance to say things when throwing grenades
  • Added proper map strings for the Invade gamemode
  • Added the game event object_removed, which is an event that fires when a building is destroyed
  • Added the game event medic_death, which is an event that fires when Medic dies
  • Added new third person Spy Tranquilizer Gun animations

    Spy with his iconic Tranquilizer Gun

Balance Changes

  • General

    • Adjusted how explosive radius damage is calculated
    • Weapon deploy speed is now 0.5 seconds (from 0.66 seconds). Animation speed has not been changed.
    • Grenades no longer have a self damage cap at 50 health
  • Scout

    • Class

      • Armor increased to 50 (from 25)
    • Bear Traps

      • Reduced the deploy time to 0.6 seconds (from 0.8 seconds)
  • Soldier

    • Class

      • Armor decreased to 125 (from 150)
      • Self rocket blast damage resistance increased to 40% (from 20%)
      • Self rocket blast damage resistance no longer applies if damage was also inflicted on an enemy
      • Changed rocket jumping to feel more like Live TF2
    • Nail Grenade

      • Tripled the nail deploy time
  • Pyro

    • Flamethrower

      • Increased base primary damage to 180 (from 170)
      • Increased the flame rocket’s projectile speed to 850 HU/s (from 750 HU/s)
      • Increased the flame rocket’s base damage to 25 (from 20)
      • Decreased the flame rocket’s radius to 100 HU (from 150 HU)
  • Demoman

    • Class

      • Self pipebomb blast damage resistance increased to 25% (from 20%)
      • Self pipebomb blast damage resistance no longer applies if damage was also inflicted on an enemy
  • Engineer

    • Class

      • Health increased to 90 (from 80)
      • Added armor regeneration. Works similar to Medic’s health regeneration: You will now regenerate at a rate of 1-3 armor every three seconds depending on how long it’s been since you’ve last been hit.
  • Medic

    • Medigun

      • The medigun speed buff, which allowed you to run at Scout’s speed while healing him, is disabled by default
  • Sniper

    • Sniper Rifle

      • You can no longer shoot while jumping; you can still shoot in the air if it wasn’t initiated by a jump
  • Spy

    • Class

      • Added Spywalking, a mechanic which allows you to use Spy’s normal walking speed if you’re disguised as a slower class. Holding down the Spywalk button while disguised will allow you to travel at the Spy’s normal walking speed as a slower class. It is bound to Shift by default. You may have to bind the key after updating the game.
      • Disguising calculations are simpler; instead of faking a random health and armor value if a viable disguise target isn’t available, the max health and armor for the disguised class will be faked instead.
      • Disguised Spies can now fake Medic Übercharge values
      • The voice status bubble no longer appears above your player if you are disguised or invisible
    • Gas Grenade

      • Increased the damage to 14 (from 8)


  • General

    • Boosted bounce lighting in all the maps
    • Sudden death is enabled by default on maps that can stalemate
  • Arena/Payload Race

    • Removed next level change logic after a certain amount of rounds have been played. This was removed so community servers can run these maps for as long as they want to.
  • 2Fort

    • Fixed a bug where the color correction entity was deleted upon map load
    • Cleaned up the pollution in the sewers
    • Revamped the layouts of both teams’ sewers

      RED's Sewer

  • Dustbowl

    • Fixed Stage 2’s first capture point trigger slightly sticking out into the room below
  • Goldrush

    • Fixed lighting on some displacements on Stage 3
    • Fixed flickering buildings throughout Stage 3
    • Slight layout changes to the last half of Stage 3
    • Updated the Stage 3 artpass

      Goldrush Stage 3 Third Point

      Goldrush Stage 3 Last Point

      Goldrush Stage 3 Interior Area

  • Well (Arena)

    • Added a grenade pickup and an armor pack below the capture point
    • Fixed multiple props being misaligned in various areas
    • Added slightly more out of bounds detailing
  • Well (CTF)

    • Updated the skybox
    • Slightly brightened up the map

      Well CTF Overview

  • Well (5CP)

    • Fixed some logo textures in the spawn areas
    • Fixed issues with the doors not properly opening
  • Hydro

    • Slightly improved player clipping
    • Fixed some misaligned props

Bug Fixes

  • Vote kicks will now immediately pass and ban the player accordingly if the player being vote kicked leaves the game
  • Fixed a bug where the main menu would not close if the vote menu was selected
  • Fixed a server crashing exploit involving extremely large sprays (Thanks sappho!)
  • Fixed an exploit relating to the Pipebomb Launcher’s primary fire and the Flamethrower’s secondary fire
  • Fixed a server crashing exploit with the Sniper Rifle
  • Fixed a bug where attacks were tracing back to the current active weapon of the attacker, regardless if the weapon was used to attack the victim
  • Fixed a bug where the Ring of Fire achievement could be achieved with a flame rocket blast
  • Fixed a bug where the Flamethrower’s secondary fire charging mechanism didn’t have proper client-side prediction
  • Fixed an oversight where flag carriers couldn’t be Übercharged if they were holding the flag; the flag now drops when the flag carrier gets Übercharged
  • Fixed an oversight where if you were looking down while a grenade exploded in your hand, you would get launched down, usually leading to fall damage being inflicted
  • The voice status UI element is now affected by cl_drawhud
  • Fixed a visual bug where constantly rotating func_rotating brushes would freeze
  • Fixed Civilian not properly being accounted for in the HUD
  • Fixed an issue with the keyvalue “texturename” in env_projectedtexture
  • Fixed a bug where flag trails would not appear at all
  • Fixed a bug where invisible Spies can say Payload lines
  • Fixed a bug where the target ID of a disguised Spy could show as overheal if disguising as a class with a higher max health value
  • Fixed a visual bug where attacking disguised Spies on the Payload Cart/Dispenser would show their own team’s healing particle
  • Fixed a visual bug with the Bottle where touching a resupply trigger would switch to the broken bodygroups
  • Fixed a visual bug with classes not performing their attacking emotions when firing their weapon
  • Fixed a bug where the Teleporter’s detonation failsafe would activate even if the teleporter exit was placed in a valid spot
  • Fixed a bug where voice commands were disabled by default in the chat window, despite the filter in the chat window showing otherwise
  • Fixed a bug where pipebombs in the air could be pushed by other explosives
  • Fixed many issues with the talker scripts, response rules, and scene files so classes are a lot more talkative
  • Fixed a bug where spectators could hold the flag
  • Fixed a visual bug where Heavy’s first person MIRV idle animation would slightly bug out on dedicated servers
  • Fixed a bug where crouch jumping would erroneously play the airwalking animation
  • Fixed a bug in Payload Race where the win panel wouldn’t show the correct amount of areas left to capture


  • Added the command pf_change_text_color which controls the color of the chat text in-game. 0 is the original text color, 1 is the white text color.
  • Added the command pf_viewroll, which is set to 0 by default. This command enables the commands cl_rollangle and cl_rollspeed to adjust tilting your view when you move side to side, similar to Quake.
  • Added the command pf_spywalk_toggle which is set to 0 by default. If enabled, it enables an alternate control scheme where the feature can be toggled instead of needing to hold down the button.
  • The commands listed above are also located in the Advanced Options menu
  • Added support for the command sv_pure so that only official PF2 content can be used on the server. Still set to 0 by default.
  • Added back the command pf_picmip, which will let you adjust your texture settings from -10 to 10 again
  • Renamed the command pf_healthkit_armor_repair to pf_armor_healthkit_repair
  • Renamed the command pf_ammokit_grenades to pf_grenade_ammokits_dispense
  • Changed the command cl_interp maximum limit to 0.04 (from 0.5)
  • The command pf_medigun_speed_buff is now set to 0 by default
  • The command sv_allow_pointservercommand is now set to official by default
  • Marked the commands cl_pred_track, mat_drawTexture, cl_lagcompensation, and cl_predictweapons as cheat commands
  • Removed the command pf_team_colored_spy_cloak.


  • Updated VPKs to be signed by the Team
  • Players now drop their weapons on disconnect
  • game_text_tf pop-ups now show on minimized HUD
  • Updated English localization files